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Chevin Tools diverse range of toolholders can be supported and enhanced by the inclusion of various Accessories.
To complement our range of Anti-Vibration Bar Holders, we also offer Split Reduction Sleeves to adapt holders to accept smaller diameter boring bars. Reduction sleeve include a captive spacer to retain the 4xD clamping ratio and through coolant feed. Our reduction sleeve are designed to be easily withdrawn and include an alignment slot for rotational positioning.
We offer the following sizes as standard:
Sleeve Code | Outside ø x Clamp ø | Grip Length | Assembly Length |
SL150050 | 1.5" x 0.5" | 2" | 6" |
SL150075 | 1.5" x 0.75" | 3" | 6" |
SL150100 | 1.5" x 1" | 4" | 6" |
SL150125 | 1.5" x 1.25" | 5" | 6" |
SL200100 | 2" x 1" | 4" | 8" |
SL200125 | 2" x 1.25" | 5" | 8" |
SL200150 | 2" x 1.5" | 6" | 8" |
SL250125 | 2.5" x 1.25" | 5" | 10" |
SL250150 | 2.5" x 1.5" | 6" | 10" |
SL250175 | 2.5" x 1.75" | 7" | 10" |
SL250200 | 2.5" x 2" | 8" | 10" |
SL300175 | 3" x 1.75" | 7" | 12" |
SL300200 | 3" x 2" | 8" | 12" |
SL300250 | 3" x 2.5" | 10" | 12" |
SL400250 | 4" x 2.5" | 10" | 16" |
SL400300 | 4" x 3" | 12" | 16" |
SL120100 | 120mm x 100mm | 400mm | 480mm |
SL120080 | 120mm x 80mm | 320mm | 400mm |
SL100080 | 100mm x 80mm | 240mm | 400mm |
SL100060 | 100mm x 60mm | 240mm | 320mm |
SL080060 | 80mm x 60mm | 220mm | 320mm |
SL080055 | 80mm x 55mm | 200mm | 320mm |
SL080050 | 80mm x 50mm | 200mm | 240mm |
SL060040 | 60mm x 40mm | 160mm | 240mm |
SL060032 | 60mm x 32mm | 128mm | 240mm |
SL050040 | 50mm x 40mm | 160mm | 200mm |
SL050032 | 50mm x 32mm | 128mm | 200mm |
SL040032 | 40mm x 32mm | 128mm | 160mm |
SL040025 | 40mm x 25mm | 100mm | 160mm |